(中国语) 칼빈은 살인자야!(我-克尔文是杀人犯.)




최대복 http://j.mp/1b1L7BC 2013-10-02


“我-克尔文是杀人犯 !” (金民善传道师,韩国 京畿道 德亭爱教会 djarang.com






!~ 为什么又来找我-克尔文!为什么来找我!为什么又来找我!!~~








从来没有人见过我,一个人也没有!谁能想像得到! 谁能相信呢!谁能相信我克尔文在地狱呢?


我克尔文不是义人!我不是诚实人,不是善良的牧人! 只有主耶稣才是善良的牧人!你们知道吗? 我是多么恶毒、邪恶,残暴……


我是从什么时候开始错的呢? 我没有爱!因为我没有爱灵魂的心,所以



预定论完全脱离了轨道! 那救恩论的结果会如何?








啊!!~~ -克尔文没有爱!

长老教成了去地狱的通道了!长老教外表包装的很好!看上去长老教信心好!~ 但长老教却成了去地狱的通道!








































没有信心,无论谁都不能得救!进入大患难之后,谁能经起那些拷打和苦难呢?很难预测!因为到那时,若不在偶像面前跪拜,不跪拜偶像,无人能保全性命!有谁能不跪拜偶像,不跪拜金像,不跪拜兽呢!啊!~ 啊!~ 啊!~














啊!~~~ 魔鬼把女人们带的耳环穿在克尔文的眼睛上了!

























"또 이와 같이 여자들도 아담한 옷을 입으며 염치와 정절로 자기를 단장하고 땋은 머리와 이나 진주값진 옷으로 하지 말고"(딤전 2:9)


"여자의 가르치는 것과 남자를 주관하는 것을 허락지 아니하노니 오직 종용할찌니라"(딤전 2:12)



질문자: 긍휼, http://j.mp/1aTYAew



질문을 드립니다. 주님은 "그러나 율법의 한 획이 떨어짐보다 천지없어짐이 쉬우리라"(눅 16;17) 기록하십니다. 저는 이 바울의 서신의 말씀은 분명 성령으로 말미암아 기록된 주의 말씀으로 확고하게 믿어집니다.

그렇다면 우리가 바울 서신의 다른 모든 말씀을 하나님의 말씀으로 믿고 순복하듯이 말씀 앞에서도 여자의 가르침에 대한 주의 명령은 절대 변케 되어질수 없는 주의 말씀이라 전 믿어집니다.


그렇다면 왜 이런 말씀을 두려워 하지 않고, 이 말씀을 거스리면 까지 왜 여자가 목회자가 되어 남자를 가르치고 남자를 주관하는 이런 목회자의 길을 현대 교회가 용납 한 이유가 무엇인지 전 성경적으로 알고 싶습니다.


모든 것은 그 열매로 알지니 했는데, 다는 모르지만 인터넷에 올라온 여자 목사들 마다 거의 은사주의 입니다. 환상과 예언과 하나님의 음성 듣기를 훈련 하는 곳도 보았습니다.


한 예로, 최근에 한 여자 목사를 보았는데 강대상에 올라가 성령춤을 추며 , 환상으로 예수를 보았다며 그 교회를 칭찬합니다. 온 몸은 연예인 처럼 귀고리, 커다란 목고리, 커다란 반지를 화려하게 하고 성령 춤과 환상을 이야기 하는 여자 목사를 보면서 또 아무도 그것을 보고 이상하게 생각지 않고 있다는 것에 전 너무나 이상했습니다.


저는 사도 바울이 우상에게 드려진 고기를 먹는 자유함에 대한 말씀이 이때 떠올랐답니다. 연약한 형제가 우상에게 드려진 그 고기를 자유함으로 먹는 믿음 강한 형제의 행동을 보고 걸림이 된다면 사도 바울은 자기는 고기를 먹지 않겠다 하신 그 말씀이 떠오릅니다.


제가 아는 한 성령님은 거룩하고, 의롭고, 정결하고, 정숙하고, 질서가 분명 존재하며 절제가 있는 분이라 믿어집니다. 영적으로 어린 사람이 그런 무당 춤추듯 깃발들고 춤추는 이런 행동에 대하여 과연 걸림이 되지 않을까요?



이런 행동에 아무도 절제를 시키지 않는 것에 전 너무 우려가 되어집니다. 제가 잘못된 것일까요? 제가 편협한 신앙인일까 혼자 고민에 젖어 기도를 했습니다. 우연이란 것이 주안에 없듯이 오늘 고민중에 성경을 읽다가 주님은 제게 에스겔서 13장 17-22절의 말씀을 보게 하셨습니다.



"너 인자야 너의 백성 중 자기 마음에서 나는 대로 예언하는 부녀들을 대면하여 쳐서 예언하여 ....내가 슬프게 하지 아니한 의인의 마음을 너희가 거짓말로 근심하게 하며 ...너희가 다시는 허탄한 묵시를 보지 못하고 점복도 못할찌라 "



화합이라 하여 교회가 이런 저런 것 다 용납하여 받아 들이는 일에 대하여 제 믿음의 양심이 용납을 허용치 아니합니다.


저는 여자와 남자의 차별의 이야기함이 절대 아니랍니다. 저는 제 아내를 참으로 사랑하는 남자요, 아내를 누구보다 존중하는 남자로 살아갑니다. 그러나 주님이 세운 교회의 질서는 성경대로 지켜져야 한다 믿고 사는 형제입니다.


그래서 성경 말씀 그대로를 이해하고 여자 목사라는 이 문제 또한 현대 교회가 사람의 미혹에 넘어간것인지 아니면 다른 성경 귀절로 난해 구절이라 어쩔수 없이 용납할 수 밖에 없는 특이한 이유가 있는지 영의 분별을 부탁해 보는 것입니다.


이제 장로교단측도 여자 목사 안수를 하는 것을 보았는데 초대 교회부터 없는 여자 목사 세움이 왜 갑자기 현대에 와서 생겼냐는 것입니다.

"또 가령 그가 아들을 낳았다 하자 그 아들이 그 아비의 행한 모든 를 보고 두려워하여 그대로 행하지 아니하고..... 내 규례를 지키며 내 율례를 행할찐대 이 사람은 그 아비의 죄악으로 인하여 죽지 아니하고 정녕 살겠고....그 아비는심히 포학하여 그 동족을 억탈하고 민간에 불선을 행하였으므로 그는 그 죄악으로 인하여 죽으리라" (겔 18:18)



최근에 만난 여자 목사가 또한 개인에게 조상의 죄를 회개 하지 않으면 아니된다 말하는 것을 들으면서 "그런데 너희는 이르기를 아들이 어찌 아비의 를 담당치 않겠느뇨 하는도다" (겔 18:19)



저가 한 제물로 거룩하게 된자들을 영원히 온전케 하신 보혈의 능력이 십자가의 능력이요, 나무에 달린 자마다 저주를 받은 자라 하시며 우리 구주요, 주가 되시는 예수가 믿는 성도들의 저주를 다 담당 하신 것을 믿는데, 어찌 거듭난 성도에게 조상의 죄까지 개인이 짊어졌기에 회개를 더욱 해야 한다는 식의 가르침을 하는데


여러분의 생각으로 이것이 바른 성경의 가르침이 맞는지요? 에스겔 18장의 말씀은 거짓인가요?


천주교에서나 할만한 이야기를 하는 이런 여자 목사가 이렇게 환상과 예언과 기도를 열심히 하는 강한 카리스마를 보이며 많은 교회를 다니면서 집회를 합니다. 이런 현상을 이 마지막 때 사람의 미혹으로 보아야 할지, 주안에 화합함으로 받아 용납 해야 할지....


혹시나 타인을 판단하는 저의 무지의 죄가 될까 두렵기도 하고, 그렇다고 아무 영이나 결코 받을 수 없는 이 무서운 미혹의 시대에 이런 비 성경적인 행동을 하는 여자 목사들이 너무 많아 또한 목자라는 은사직을 권위의 계급장 처럼 활용하여 어린 영혼들에게 예언이나, 환상으로 위협하는 일이 생기는 것이 심히 우려되어 한 미천한 형제가 분별에 무지하여 질문을 드리니 영의 분별의 은사가 강하신 분이 계시면 이런 것에 대한 성경적 답변을 정중히 부탁해 봅니다.




답변자: 박노아



여자목사 제도가 비성경적이지 않는가?라는 의문점을 가지고, 회원간의 신앙상담 코너를 찾아주셔서 감사합니다. 장로교 합동이나 고신 교단은 여목사 제도를 강하게 반대합니다. 예장 통합, 기장, 기감, 기하성, 예성, 성공회가 여자 목사 허용하는 법을 개정하여 시행중인 것으로 압니다. 예성(예수교대한성결교회)의 경우, '만 28세의 남자'에서 '만 28세의 자'에게 허용하는 것입니다. 한국도 서구의 영향을 받으면서 남녀평등 사회가 되어 남자가 돈을 벌고 여자는 집에서 살림하는 세상이 아니며, 여자 대통령이 배출될 정도로 여자의 지위는 신장되었습니다. 모든 일에는 장단점이 있기 마련입니다. 여자는 남자를 동역해 주기 위해서 돕는 베필로 나중에 창조가 되었다고 창세기에서 말씀합니다. 요즘 부부는 여자도 남자못지 않게 사회활동을 합니다.



과연, 이런 변화가 성경을 위반했는지는 잘 검토해 볼 일입니다. 그러나, 성경에 나오는 당시의 사회상을 알아야 할 필요는 있겠지요. 여자와 어린아이는 인구 숫자에도 넣지 않는다고 합니다. 과거 우리나라도 여자의 지위를 인정하지 않았던 때가 있었습니다. 어쨌건, 목사가 주로 설교를 합니다. 그리고, 설교는 가르친다는 생각을 많이 하지요. 저는 견해가 좀 다릅니다. 목사가 성경을 가르친다는 의미 보다는, 성령님께 '성경을 깨달아 알게 해주십시오!' 라고 간절히 구하여 받은 말씀을 그대로 전달한다고 주장하고 싶습니다. 그리고, 아래 예언서 말씀처럼 남자나 여자를 구분하지 않고, 남녀노소에게 내영(성령)을 부어주신다고 합니다. 바울이 살던 시대의 사회상과 오늘의 시대를 감안하면서 이해한다면 그렇게 복잡한 문제는 아니라고 생각합니다.



고린도교회에도 은사받은 그리스도인들의 무분별한 은사 남용 문제가 있었는데, 그중에 여자 성도들도 성령충만하여 교회가 소란스럽게 되자, 여자는 잠잠하라고 하면서 머리에 너울을 쓰고 경건한 여자 모습을 갖추라고 하지요. 지금 천주교는 너울을 쓰지만, 기독교회는 그리하지 않습니다. 성경대로 판단한다면, 기독교회의 여자 그리스도인 머리에 너울을 쓰지 않는 것도 성경을 거스리는 일이 되겠지요. 당시의 여자는 사회뿐만 아니라, 교회내에서도 차별이 있었음을 안다면 여자 목사제도에 대한 반감은 없을 것입니다. 다만, 여목사가 은사주의 운동에 빠져 변질된 것은 매우 큰 문제입니다. 여자 장로 문제를 가지고 옳으니 그르니 하는 교단도 있습니다. 여목사 제도에 반대한 교단이 따지는 부분이겠지요. 직분이 계급화되었다는 것을 반증해 주는 교회의 변질이 문제이지,



말세에 성령을 남녀노소에게 부어주신다는 예언 성취를 생각한다면 문제삼는 것이 이상하게 느껴지는 입장입니다. 거듭 말씀드리지만, 설교 전문 목사가 장로*집사를 가르치는 것이 아니라, 기록된 성경말씀과 성령님께 받은 바 말씀을 그대로 전달해주는 심부름꾼일 뿐입니다. 장로*집사 직분자들도 기록된 성경말씀과 설교자를 통해 전달받은 설교를 믿으며 깨달은대로 뭇영혼을 위해 복음을 전달해 주는 것입니다. 내지식 가지고 하는 것이 아니기 때문입니다. 긍휼님께서 남존여비가 아닌 성경적 원리로 말씀하셨는데 저도 동의합니다. 다만, 유대사회는 매우 보수적입니다. 우리나라로 말하면 유교적인 것입니다. 기독교로 개종해도 이런 유교 습성이 섞일 수있지요. 바울도 철저한 전도자면서도 아주 엄격한 당시 사회환경에 근거한 보수신앙을 가졌다고 봅니다.






"그 후에, 내가 내 영을 모든 육체 위에 부으리라. 그러면 너희 아들들과 너희 딸들이 예언할 것이요, 너희 노인들은 꿈들을 꿀 것이며, 너희 청년들은 환상을 보리라" (욜 2:28)



"또 그 날들에는 내가 남종들과 여종들 위에도 내 영을 부어 주리라" (욜 2:29)



"또 이와 같이 여자들도 아담한 옷을 입으며 염치와 정절로 자기를 단장하고 땋은 머리와 이나 진주값진 옷으로 하지 말고"(딤전 2:9)


"여자의 가르치는 것과 남자를 주관하는 것을 허락지 아니하노니 오직 종용할찌니라"(딤전 2:12)



Heaven and Hell Jesus Showed Me (Park

Sung-hyun the deaconess of Dukjung-

sarang Church)



1. My Father and Maternal Grandmother Suffering in Hell



While I was praying at night, Jesus showed me my mother’s mother who is suffering in hell. It was too dreadful. Grandmother passed away due to diabetic complications in my grade school and was nicknamed "the Stubborn Deaconess" in her life time because of obstinate temper. Although she attended dawn services every day for forty years, her stubbornness rarely changed. Whenever she was drunk, she madly abused us with insults "You slut! You brood of vipers!".



As watching grandmother on fierce fire, I could not bear to look at and had to turn away my head. I was very impatient at her wretched state because she was very enthusiastic about dawn services and her pious life. Jesus said, "See it clearly! That is the fate of those who got angry without control, did not forgive anybody and thoroughly repent before death even if they claimed to believe in Me."



Jesus also took me to my deceased father, who shacked up with some woman and divorced my mother during his lifetime, He liked to drink so much that he died of alcoholism and liver cancer when I was in my first year in high school. In the middle of fire, father and the very woman were hugging in the nuddy as biting off each other. she, as paying for her sins, was shouting in anger, "Ugh! It's all because of you!! Why do I have to suffer!!!" How miserable it was! Soon, demons dragged my father along the ground and rammed him into a liquor jug. This domain of hell is where adulterous people are tormented.



This is horrible hell! Both cases above are only small fractions of it. However, most people are unconscious of its atrocious torments and end up in hell by indulging in sexual immorality and committing adultery. I am so sorry for them because they do not know the returns of sin.



2. Heavenly Roads and Mansions



Jesus gave me the grand tour of Heaven while praying. It was brightly glittering as if someone scattered diamonds and so beautiful and mysterious that I was ravished with the wonderful view. Heavenly angels treated citizens of Heaven with exceptional respect. We receive help from them in the earthly world: however, we are master of them in Heaven. They fetch and carry for us when we say. We only need to praise God and live with Him forever! The river of the water of life came out from God's throne and the trees of life stood on the river's right and left. My heart was filled with the beautiful scent of Jesus. The Heavenly roads were overlaid with pure gold, which was very transparent like shiny glass and different from opaque yellowish gold. This is a typical roads of Heaven, where gold is a dime a dozen like stones in the world.



Jesus took me to my Heavenly place. "Wow!! How grand and beautiful!!" I was so surprised! It was really bright. I thought to myself 'Oh, I just one time have shared my testimony of visiting Heaven and hell with others, but such a lovely house is given to me as a gift. So then, How great reward would be given to people who evangelize to someone and help the person go to Heaven at last?' I was so motivated by this idea and dumbfounded by its magnificence.



"Is it a dream or reality?" In front of my house, I found the phrase that reads: 'The House of Saint Park Sunghyun, My Beautiful Bride' Yes, we all are Jesus' beautiful brides and angels also call us 'Lovely Prince!, Lovely Princess'. The walls were made of various kinds of jewels. Singing birds greeted me "How are you, Princess Sung-hyun? Nice to meet you." How interesting! You know what? In Heaven, birds, winds and trees can speak!



I saw Ahn Kyoung-hee, the deaconess of our church, who died a couple of years ago. Her hair style was short and perm, but her appearance entirely changed into a beautiful young lady with long hair. She was dressed brilliant linen and walking in the garden with Jesus. I so much envied the look.

Above these, Jesus showed me the building of the head of Women Missions Society. The house was shaped like a three-tier wedding cake and every corner of it was beset with tons of splendid jewellery. She earned that as a reward in the world. My eyes were so dazzled that I could not open them. At first, I wondered whose house that was, but I soon found the picture of her in virginal bloom in front of the house. So I came to know the house owner.



Jesus said, "This house looks so pretty because this daughter fully received rewards for all of her prayer, praise, worship and gifts to the poor, but it had to be torn down and rebuilt innumerably whenever she lost her temper and quarreled with somebody." He added believers must be humble and have self control over their mind in order that treasures could be consistently stored up in Heaven. I also thought Christians have to stop showing a temper and finding quarrel in a straw. (If we royally walk by faith and obey God in the world, our Heavenly houses go up without a break, but when we disobey God's words and get angry, the houses are pull down. Jesus always feels sorry for the falling of Heavenly houses of any believer.)



I also dropped in at the tulip-like house where the preacher of our church will dwell. Her large and beautiful picture hung in the entrance. Jesus happily said "Oh, My ugly princess' house!" I wondered why Jesus said so, but soon my curiosity was satisfied because her baby face appeared for a short time on screen next to the house. It was very ugly baby. This image was to help my understanding. Jesus smiled, saying, "Oh, My ugly princess!" Jesus laughed a lot! I was inspired by Him to think that this daughter will become a great missionary in the future for God's own ends.



And Jesus called me "Freckle Princess" the whole time I was in Heaven, so I asked "Lord, why do you call me like that?" He lets me see through the screen my childhood face with freckles all over. "Look! See what I mean?" He said howling with laughter. I found Him quite a jovial gentleman.



I really wanted to live in Heaven as soon as possible! I am sure that once entering the shiny pearl gate of Heaven, you will never want to come out from it again. So much beautiful and mysterious kingdom, this is the very Heaven! Sometimes I am misunderstood as a mystic for often saying that Heaven and hell really exist. Will it possible to steadfastly maintain belief in God without craving for Heaven? Surely, the purpose of believing in God is to enter Heaven, not to be more prosperous than others in the world. In Heaven, there is no annoyance, resentment, complaint, war, tax and hatred of any kind because Satan does not exist at all. We need only to live there as children of God and praise Him forever. Don't you wish you could go to Heaven and walk with Jesus holding hands?



3. The Souls Suffering in Hell



Jesus showed me hell again. We came to a place where I noticed that supersized iron maces were aggressively flying around, crashing into and shattering peoples' head. The air was impregnated with filthy smell of blood. Certainly, hell is not a place for anybody to go to. The crowds awaiting their turn as watching the calamity of people in front of them were more petrified with terror than the afflicted! Horrible shrieks came out of peoples' mouth.






The roaring sounds of clubs hitting peoples' heads and screams were repeated over and over because in a few minutes their bodies regained their original condition and the whole cycle started again. also watched myriads of coffins with a large cross incised on them fall into hell. Jesus lets me realize that not every churchgoer will enter Heaven, but only faithful Christians who repent daily and believe in Jesus with all their heart. Jesus wept bitter tears and I cried too. "They all should have gone to Heaven. They lived a life of belief without knowing Me!" I could understand Jesus' sorrow and was determined to follow Him at any cost.



I visited another area of hell. Demons hanged people upside down and repeatedly poured boiling oil all over to frizzle them up like fried chickens. At this time, an enormous python appeared from nowhere and munched them. Jesus said, "They were unbelievers who rejected Me when people preached the gospel to them." Whenever boiling oil was poured onto them, they cried out in pain. After a while, their bodies were completely recovered from deformation and they gritted their teeth as shouting






Some people would say "Hell exists because people can stand this much pain." Do you really think these pains are tolerable? If you have only to sincerely believe in Jesus, you never run into hell. Welcoming Jesus with a true heart and repenting daily are only one sure way of avoiding hell. Otherwise, nothing remains but to go to hell. Please, come to your senses and believe in Jesus as soon as possible! You must go to Heaven.



4. Anyone Who Commits Suicide Goes to Hell!



I could observe how cruelly suicides were suffered under demons. Satan very severely tortured them because they deliberately killed themselves. Someone thinks the only way to stop all anguish is death, but it is wrong! Unimaginable torments begin with suicide! Demons tore suicides to pieces by pulling limbs or put them in a grinder. As flesh, blood and bones were pulverized, the outcries of pain rent the air. In a moment, however, people returned to the former condition, the whole procedure of tortures was repeated without number. People shouted for help,






But nobody came. All churchgoers do not go to Heaven. Faithful belief in God and daily repentance make it possible to go to Heaven. Anyone who commits suicide is bound to be thrown into hell without question and brutally tortured by demons. Everybody must be aware that nothing but only Jesus saves us from our sins.



Some people may be doubtful about this, saying "All of suicides do not always go to hell." No!! Any suicide absolutely goes to hell. No matter how hard someone believes in Jesus or attends dawn services everyday and great pastor as he is, whoever commits suicide goes to hell! There is no exception.



This much is true! Be sure to spread this news to all the people, especially mental patients who want to commit suicide because of depression or life's worries. I was also a melancholiac and wanted to take my own life, but now deeply contrite about the sin. If the irrevocable step was taken, what became of me? Could I stand severe tortures of hell? The mere thought makes me shudder.



5. Countless Hell-Holes



"Hold fast to My hand." Jesus said to me and then we popped down a hole under the ground. The path where we arrived was very narrow like a furrow and vertiginous cliffs were located on both sides of it. The boundless expanses of super-heated lava were at the foot of the precipices and the lava was so violently boiling away that I felt terrible at the sight of that. I feel really bad about that no matter how constantly I insist on shocking actualities of hell, many people, including even my family, do not listen to my witness. Indeed, where are they going to after death? How much will they bitterly regret rejecting Jesus in hell?



Hell is actually at a point near the core of Earth and its appearance of 大 automatically increases in size. The physical world has innumerable coal-black holes leading to hell. When someone dies, a demon instantly snatches the soul with hook and throws it into a hole. It does not take any longer than a second for one soul to be sucked down into a pit. In some cases, hundreds of souls fall into one hole at once. Surely, any churchgoer falls down into hell who worshiped and prayed in vain, was not inwardly renewed day by day and did not truly believe in Jesus.



If you still suspect the existence of hell, look at a volcanic eruption. Nowadays, volcanoes explode in various places of the world but even scientists could not discover what the exact factors are. Hell is the very cause. Hell's fire erupts out in the form of lava. Hell certainly exists in the middle of the earth!



Not long ago, I took a telephone message that my husband's maternal grandfather was very sick, so it looked as if he would not live much longer. After that, while I was praying to God for him, Jesus showed me numerous hell-holes on the ground. When the time draws near for someone to die, ghosts pop out in places like moles and wage war against one another to take the soul to hell. They also disguise as dead ancestors to attract and lead a soul to hell by friendly saying "Come on! Come on!" Without even knowing this, if a soul follows a ghost, the soul goes straight to hell. All ghosts are the Satanic host, not the souls of the dead.



I noticed, in a vision, hell-holes around grandfather's bed. Satan's subordinates were frequently popping in and out of the holes waiting for his death. I felt terrible as watching his pitiful situation because he was a regular churchgoer at most and had no belief in keeping with Heaven. Jesus said "He just trod the courtyard of his church without any belief and did not keep Me in the heart of him."

I really hope pastors teach believers the realities of Heaven and hell, the method of repentance and belief royal to Bible. Believers who only attend church can not enter Heaven unless they truly believe in Jesus and repent day by day. Inner being of each person must be born of God.



6. Anguished Demons



God so powerfully worked in me again today. As I started praying loudly, demons swore like a trooper at me. "Damned! How disgusting!! These days churchmen are that gullible but damn this guys do not fall for our plan!! I am going nuts! They catched our real identity. Just give it a lick and a promise. Are you going to set us on fire? Stop praying!!! Shut up! If only one of you is thrown to hell, I will rip up the guy into pieces like a dried squid! I will put you in a mixer and drink it all!!"



My pastor shouted out, "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!! Go away!! You, disturber!! Go away!!!" Soon, the demons were trying desperately hard not to fall into hell, but finally went down into a seething cauldron. Demons who are expelled from the world are intensively tortured and sent back into the world with much stronger power than before and demons who fail to take a soul to hell must face tremendous penalty as well.



So, demons struggle not to keep themselves apart from people and mightier demons enter people when people commit the same crime again. For this reason, pastors emphasize that believers must be always filled with the Holy Spirit. Only by that we can defeat demonic strategies.



Many people in Korea regard ghosts as the souls of their forefathers, but they are just corrupt evil spirits that deceive and take people down to hell. Please, realize the fact even now. Believe in Jesus, and you can avoid hell. If not, you will pay dearly for your unbelief.



We must really rejoice in the mere fact that we have redemption through Jesus' blood, the forgiveness of sins! This world is temporal, but coming world, Heaven or hell, is everlasting. Which one would you like to choose? Do you want to go to hell as a result of unbelief? It is not so. We all have to enter Heaven by devoted faith and live in God’s Land forever.



Dukjung-sarang Church in Republic of Korea

The original source: http://djsarang.com



The source: http://j.mp/15rIWSG <- 한국어로 정독할 수있습니다!!

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